

Grunch of Giants

I smell the blood of a Britishman
Be he alive or be he dead
I'll grind his bones to make my bread.

There is no dictionary word for an army of invisible giants, one thousand miles tall, with their arms interlinked, girding the planet Earth. Since there exists just such an invisible, abstract, legal-contrivance army of giants, we have invented the word GRUNCH as the group designation — "a grunch of giants." GR-UN-C-H, which stands for annual GROSS UNIVERSE CASH HEIST, pays annual dividends of over one trillion U.S. dollars.

GRUNCH is engaged in the only-by-instrumentsreached-and-operated, entirely invisible chemical, metallurgical, electronic, and cybernetic realms of reality. GRUNCH's giants average thirty-four years of age, most having grown out of what Eisenhower called the postWorld War II "military-industrial complex." They are not the same as the pre-World War II international copper or tin cartels. The grunch of giants consists of the corporately interlocked owners of a vast invisible empire, which includes airwaves and satellites; plus a vast visible empire, which includes all the only eighteen-year-old and younger skyscraper cluster cities around the world, as well as the factories and research laboratories remotely ringing the old cities and all the Oriental industrial deployment, such as in Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. It controls the financial credit system of the noncommunist world together with all the financial means of initiating any world-magnitude mass-production and -distribution ventures. By making pregraduation employment contracts with almost all promising university science students, it monopolizes all the special theoretical know-how to exploit its vast inventory of already acquired invisible know-how technology.

Who runs GRUNCH? Nobody knows. It controls all the world's banks. Even the muted Swiss banks. It does what its lawyers tell it to. It maintains technical legality, and is prepared to prove it. Its law firm is named Machiavelli, Machiavelli, Atoms & Oil. Some think the second Mach is a cover for Mafia.

GRUNCH didn't invent Universe. It didn't invent anything. It monopolizes know-where and know-how but is devoid of know-why. It is preoccupied with absolute selfishness and its guaranteed gratifications. It is as blind as its Swiss banks are mute. Much, much more about GRUNCH later on.




Marx on the East Indian Trade

The East India Company — Its History and Results

The profound hypocrisy and inherent barbarism of bourgeois civilization lies unveiled before our eyes, turning from its home, where it assumes respectable forms, to the colonies, where it goes naked. Did they not, in India, to borrow an expression of that great robber, Lord Clive himself, resort to atrocious extortion, when simple corruption could not keep pace with their rapacity? While they prated in Europe about the inviolable sanctity of the national debt, did they not confiscate in India the dividends of the rajahs, who had invested their private savings in the Company's own funds? While they combated the French revolution under the pretext of defending "our holy religion," did they not forbid, at the same time, Christianity to be propagated in India, and did they not, in order to make money out of the pilgrims streaming to the temples of Orissa and Bengal, take up the trade in the murder and prostitution perpetrated in the temple of the Juggernaut? These are the men of "Property, Order, Family, and Religion."

Karl Marx, The New-York Daily Tribune. 22 July, 1853.



The East India Company

The East India Company

"...The colonization of India provides a useful example. P.W. Warner, in his book “Corporate Warriors” (Cornell University Press, 2003), describes the rule of the trading companies.

In 1599, the English East Indies Company began its vast colonial plunder in Asia. In 1602, the Dutch capitalists formed the Dutch East India Company to challenge British plans to acquire hegemony in the region. Technically, under the license from their home governments, these companies not only monopolized trade in gold, spices, opium, silk, Chinese porcelain and other goods, they also took control of territories with huge armies and navies that were in fact larger than the British or Dutch official armies and navies.

By 1782, the English East India Company army was made up of more than 100,000 soldiers, all mercenaries—far larger than the British army at the time. The Dutch company armed forces grew to more than 25,000 full-time soldiers and an armada of 140 ships.

The companies had a monopoly position in trade and assumed all the “normal” state functions of sovereign countries. The Universal Dictionary of 1751 wrote: “One of the reasons why the Dutch East India Company flourishes, and has become the richest and most powerful … [is because it] makes peace and war at pleasure, and by its own authority; administers justice to all … settles colonies, builds fortification, levies troops, maintains numerous armies and garrisons, fits out fleets, and coins money..."

The Evolution of the Modern Capitalist State

"The East India Companywas a London-based trading organization. It acted as the vehicle for British commercial and imperial expansion in Asia. For more than two centuries, until its demise in the aftermath of the Indian Mutiny (1857-59), it dominated both trade and Empire.

Trading giant
Today, not even the most powerful firm can compare in terms of longevity and wide-ranging economic, political and cultural influence. At one time, a tenth of the British exchequer's revenue came from customs duties on the Company's imports. Its armed forces were bigger than those of most nation states. Without it there would have been no British Empire.

Influence on London

The Company also played a leading role in London's commercial, cultural and political life.
Its employees included tradesmen, manufacturers, shipbuilders, soldiers, seaman, dock labourers, warehousemen and clerks. The Company itself had a huge influence on the development of the port of London. It was responsible for the establishment of docks, warehousing and even roads.The 'East India' lobby was a powerful voice in London's business and political life. Events at the Company's headquarters in the City were always watched closely by a suspicious Parliament uneasy about its power and influence.For centuries, the Company held a monopoly of trade with the east. Its sole trading rights were always a source of controversy and were eventually revoked by Parliament..."



Maras Colosales

by Buckminster Fuller

There is no dictionary word for an army of invisible giants, one thousand miles tall, with their arms interlinked, girding the planet Earth. Since there exists just such an invisible, abstract, legal-contrivance army of giants, we have invented the word GRUNCH as the group designation — "a grunch of giants." GR-UN-C-H, which stands for annual GROSS UNIVERSE CASH HEIST, pays annual dividends of over one trillion U.S. dollars.

GRUNCH is engaged in the only-by-instrumentsreached-and-operated, entirely invisible chemical, metallurgical, electronic, and cybernetic realms of reality. GRUNCH's giants average thirty-four years of age, most having grown out of what Eisenhower called the postWorld War II "military-industrial complex." They are not the same as the pre-World War II international copper or tin cartels. The grunch of giants consists of the corporately interlocked owners of a vast invisible empire, which includes airwaves and satellites; plus a vast visible empire, which includes all the only eighteen-year-old and younger skyscraper cluster cities around the world, as well as the factories and research laboratories remotely ringing the old cities and all the Oriental industrial deployment, such as in Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. It controls the financial credit system of the noncommunist world together with all the financial means of initiating any world-magnitude mass-production and -distribution ventures. By making pregraduation employment contracts with almost all promising university science students, it monopolizes all the special theoretical know-how to exploit its vast inventory of already acquired invisible know-how technology.

Who runs GRUNCH? Nobody knows. It controls all the world's banks. Even the muted Swiss banks. It does what its lawyers tell it to. It maintains technical legality, and is prepared to prove it. Its law firm is named Machiavelli, Machiavelli, Atoms & Oil. Some think the second Mach is a cover for Mafia.

GRUNCH didn't invent Universe. It didn't invent anything. It monopolizes know-where and know-how but is devoid of know-why. It is preoccupied with absolute selfishness and its guaranteed gratifications. It is as blind as its Swiss banks are mute. Much, much more about GRUNCH later on.



"...But there were a few human beings who gradually, through the process of invention and experiment, built and operated, first, local river and bay, next, along-shore, then off-shore rafts, dugouts, grass boats, and outrigger sailing canoes. Finally, they developed voluminous rib-bellied fishing vessels, and thereby ventured out to sea for progressively longer periods. Developing ever larger and more capable ships, the seafarers eventually were able to remain for months on the high seas. Thus, these venturers came to live normally at sea. This led them inevitably into world-around, swift, fortune-producing enterprise. Thus they became the first world men.

The men who were able to establish themselves on the oceans had also to be extraordinarily effective with the sword upon both land and sea. They had also to have great anticipatory vision, great ship designing capability, and original scientific conceptioning, mathematical skill in navigation and exploration techniques for coping in fog, night, and storm with the invisible hazards of rocks, shoals, and currents. The great sea venturers had to be able to command all the people in their dry land realm in order to commandeer the adequate metalworking, woodworking, weaving, and other skills necessary to produce their large, complex ships. They had to establish and maintain their authority in order that they themselves and the craftsmen preoccupied in producing the ship be adequately fed by the food-producing hunters and farmers of their realm. Here we see the specialization being greatly amplified under the supreme authority of the comprehensively visionary and brilliantly co-ordinated top swordsman, sea venturer. If his "ship came in" — that is, returned safely from its years' long venturing — all the people in his realm prospered and their leader's power was vastly amplified.

There were very few of these top power men. But as they went on their sea ventures they gradually found that the waters interconnected all the world's people and lands. They learned this unbeknownst to their illiterate sailors, who, often as not, having been hit over the head in a saloon and dragged aboard to wake up at sea, saw only a lot of water and, without navigational knowledge, had no idea where they had traveled.

The sea masters soon found that the people in each of the different places visited knew nothing of people in other places. The great venturers found the resources of Earth very unevenly distributed, and discovered that by bringing together various resources occurring remotely from one another one complemented the other in producing tools, services, and consumables of high advantage and value. Thus resources in one place which previously had seemed to be absolutely worthless suddenly became highly valued. Enormous wealth was generated by what the sea venturers could do in the way of integrating resources and distributing the products to the, everywhere around the world, amazed and eager customers. The ship owning captains found that they could carry fantastically large cargoes in their ships, due to nature's floatability — cargoes so large they could not possibly be carried on the backs of animals or the backs of men. Furthermore, the ships could sail across a bay or sea, traveling shorter distances in much less time than it took to go around the shores and over the intervening mountains. So these very few masters of the water world became incalculably rich and powerful..."

Texto completo
Los Grandes Piratas y su papel en el orden mundial

Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth
Ensayo de Buckminster Fuller / Lea el texto completo en inglés aqui


Planeta Incorporated

The Great Pirates
In chapters two and three of his Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, Fuller outlined the formation of contemporary educational, political and economic systems as the product of the energies of Europe's sea trading interests, the men Fuller referred to as the "Great Pirates." Fuller's concern was to trace the shared origins of the specialist education he felt contemporary schools promoted and the origins of the mortgage and debt-based economy now institutionalized through, amongst others, the World Trade Organization, World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund. He argued throughout his influential career that both a specialist training and debt-based economy worked together to limit people's capacities to think comprehensively about opportunities and challenges facing global human and environmental communities. Rather than specialize in a particular historical time or place, Fuller sought patterns in the international development of interpenetrated technological, military, economic, political, and educational systems.
I use these chapters to provide a story framework for a world history class that helps organize study from the Viking invasions of Europe, the rise of Feudalism, the reintroduction of trade in the Medieval Ages the Crusades, the age of sea exploration, colonialism, and imperialism, to World War I and the Great Depression. In providing a succinct and coherent perspective on what is typically and vaguely referred to as European exploration, Fuller's thoughts provide greater time to focus on something other than these limited examples of human experience. By clearly identifying the narrative employed, criticisms of its shortcomings may then proceed. The reader will note several endnotes that briefly offer some teaching "moves" in this regard in reference to a popular high school world history textbook.



Estudios Visuales aplicados:
East India Company & USA Flags

Old Indian Navy Jack When the proclamation of 1674 authorized the red ensign for English merchant ships, the Honourable East India Company was restricted in 1676 to using their ensigns in eastern waters, and beyond St Helena in the Atlantic Ocean

Wilson in Flags at Sea (1999) shows several ensigns of the Honourable East India Company with proportions that are roughly 3:5 and varying numbers of stripes. The first of these is the East India Company ensign until 1707. This is a thirteen-stripe version with the St George's Cross in the canton.

On January 1, 1776, the Continental Army was reorganized in accordance with a Congressional resolution which placed American forces under George Washington's control. On that New Year's Day the Continental Army was laying siege to Boston which had been taken over by the British Army. Washington ordered the Grand Union flag hoisted above his base at Prospect Hill. It had 13 alternate red and white stripes and the British Union Jack in the upper left-hand corner (the canton).

"...The first flag of the colonists to have any resemblance to the present Stars and Stripes was the Grand Union Flag, sometimes referred to as the Congress Colors, the First Navy Ensign, and the Cambridge Flag. Its design consisted of 13 stripes, alternately red and white, representing the Thirteen Colonies, with a blue field in the upper left-hand corner bearing the red cross of St. George of England with the white cross of St. Andrew of Scotland.

As the flag of the Revolution it was used on many occasions. It was first flown by the ships of the Colonial Fleet on the Delaware River. On December 3, 1775, it was raised aboard Captain Esek Hopkin's flagship Alfred by John Paul Jones, then a Navy lieutenant. Later the flag was raised on the liberty pole at Prospect Hill, which was near George Washington's headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

It was our unofficial national flag on July 4, 1776, Independence Day; and it remained the unofficial national flag and ensign of the Navy until June 14, 1777, when the Continental Congress authorized the Stars and Stripes.

Interestingly, the Grand Union Flag also was the standard of the British East India Company. It was only by degrees that the Union Flag of Great Britain was discarded. The final breach between the Colonies and Great Britain brought about the removal of the British Union from the canton of our striped flag and the substitution of stars on a blue field..."

The origins of the US Flag, the Stars and Stripes has a connection to India. In this excerpt from R. Buckminster Fuller’s _Critical Path_(Copyright 1981 by R. Buckminster Fuller pp. xxi to xxii), Fuller writes

By pure chance I happened to uncover this popularly unknown episode of American history. Commissioned in 1970 by the Indian government to design new airports in Bombay, New Delhi, and Madras, I was visiting the grand palace of the British fortress in Madras, where the English first established themselves in India in 1600. There I saw a picture of Queen Elizabeth I and the flag of the East India Company of 1600 A.D., with its thirteen red and white horizontal stripes and its superimposed crosses in the upper corner. What astonished me was that this flag (which seemed to be the American flag) was apparently being used in 1600 A.D., 175 years before the American Revolution Displayed on the stairway landing wall together with the portrait of Queen Elizabeth I painted on canvas, the flag was paint- ed on the wall itself, as was the seal of the East India Company.



Grunch of Giants

There is no dictionary word for an army of invisible giants, one thousand miles tall, with their arms interlinked, girding the planet Earth. Since there exists just such an invisible, abstract, legal-contrivance army of giants, we have invented the word GRUNCH as the group designation—"a grunch of giants." GR-UN-C-H, which stands for annual GROSS UNIVERSE CASH HEIST, pays annual dividends of over one trillion U.S. dollars.

GRUNCH is engaged in the only-by-instrumentsreached-and-operated, entirely invisible chemical, metallurgical, electronic, and cybernetic realms of reality. GRUNCH's giants average thirty-four years of age, most having grown out of what Eisenhower called the postWorld War II "military-industrial complex." They are not the same as the pre-World War II international copper or tin cartels. The grunch of giants consists of the corporately interlocked owners of a vast invisible empire, which includes airwaves and satellites; plus a vast visible empire, which includes all the only eighteen-year-old and younger skyscraper cluster cities around the world, as well as the factories and research laboratories remotely ringing the old cities and all the Oriental industrial deployment, such as in Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Singapore. It controls the financial credit system of the noncommunist world together with all the financial means of initiating any world-magnitude mass-production and -distribution ventures. By making pregraduation employment contracts with almost all promising university science students, it monopolizes all the special theoretical know-how to exploit its vast inventory of already acquired invisible know-how technology.

Who runs GRUNCH? Nobody knows. It controls all the world's banks. Even the muted Swiss banks. It does what its lawyers tell it to. It maintains technical legality, and is prepared to prove it. Its law firm is named Machiavelli, Machiavelli, Atoms & Oil. Some think the second Mach is a cover for Mafia.

GRUNCH didn't invent Universe. It didn't invent anything. It monopolizes know-where and know-how but is devoid of know-why. It is preoccupied with absolute selfishness and its guaranteed gratifications. It is as blind as its Swiss banks are mute. Much, much more about GRUNCH later on.


"...The technology of industrialization was first taken advantage of by the military specifically intent on how to more accurately kill more and more people at ever great distances in ever shorter periods of time. .." B.F.




"...The time when the British Empire was established, was also the time after Magellan had first been around the world. It was the first time we had a great empire which was a sphere.

The political and economic strategy of the British Empire was that of the East India Company. The Company had a college, and still has in England. You can go on that campus, find the room of the East India Company directors, which is very impressive, and see the long table where they made many decisions about that British Empire. At that time Thomas Malthus was a professor of political economics for the East India Company, and in 1800, five years before Trafalgar, he wrote his first book. In 1810, five years after Trafalgar, he wrote a book confirming his theory. He was the first human being in the history of humanity to have the total vital statistics from a closed-system spherical empire within his hands. He said it was perfectly clear, and he was deeply aware of the fact, that we're dealing in a sphere which is a closed system in contradistinction to a plane going to infinity. He said, "Quite clearly, humanity is multiplying itself at a geometrical rate and increasing its life support on an arithmetical rate. Quite clearly, the majority of humans are destined to have to live out their years in great want and pain."

There were very few people who were interested in what Malthus was saying. In fact, it was pretty much classified information, only of interest to those who were ambitious to try to take the British Empire away from the British. There was a general illiteracy of humanity at that time. Very few people would have been able to read it, anyway. This information really remained almost classified and secret for a long, long time..."


In "Legally Piggily," the crucial chapter of his book, Fuller details not only the origins and fruits of the New Deal, but goes much further. He teaches that the Conservative revolution, "Legally Piggily" in his words, did not start with Reagan or Goldwater, as we might assume. Instead, it started with the modest and congenial Dwight D. Eisenhower. According to Fuller, the great general had much to be modest about. However, by his modesty he allowed himself to be a tool of sharp Wall Street lawyers and investment bankers. With an obvious bias, Fuller goes so far as to say that we have gone economically from finance capitalism (pre-Roosevelt) to managerial capitalism (via Roosevelt) to Legal Capitalism (post-Roosevelt), or as Fuller calls it--LAWCAP.

A technocrat with Socialist leanings, Fuller felt betrayed by the great corporations that were saved by policies instituted by Roosevelt's Board of Economic Warfare. Not only were these companies given enormous war contracts at a federally guaranteed profit of 10%, they also were given sizeable loans and technical expertise via government scientists. Since Fuller was a leading advocate of technocracy who hoped to use it to revolutionize the world, the board even forgave most of these loans. They also altered the tax code to make all research and development a pre-tax expense.

However, the Wall Street lawyers, being among the best strategic minds of their generation, lobbied Eisenhower to eliminate the U.S. Bureau of Standards. Also, they had convinced him by 1952 to allow insurance companies to invest in any common stock that their directors saw fit. In respect to tort reform, this made it possible for insurance companies to invest as much of their clients' money as possible in higher risk/return equity, knowing that they always could recover any losses by raising policy premiums as they eliminated the major watchdogs of their industry.

In Critical Path, Fuller wrote, "In the invisible, esoteric world of today's science there is no way for the American public, without the U.S. Bureau of Standards' scientists, to follow the closely held technical secrets of the big, profit-oriented corporations.



The Tyranny of the East India Company

II. The Tyranny of the East India Company
Charles James Fox (1749–1806)

What is the most odious species of tyranny? Precisely that which this bill is meant to annihilate: that a handful of men, free themselves, should execute the most base and abominable despotism over millions of their fellow creatures; that innocence should be the victim of oppression; that industry should toil for rapine; that the harmless laborer should sweat, not for his own benefit, but for the luxury and rapacity of tyrannic depredation; in a word that thirty millions of men, gifted by Providence with the ordinary endowments of humanity, should groan under a system of despotism unmatched in all the histories of the world.

What is the end of all government? Certainly the happiness of the governed. Others may hold other opinions, but this is mine, and I proclaim it. What are we to think of a government whose good fortune is supposed to spring from the calamities of its subjects, whose aggrandizement grows out of the miseries of mankind? This is the kind of government exercised under the East India Company upon the natives of Hindustan; and the subversion of that infamous government is the main object of the bill in question. But in the progress of accomplishing this end, it is objected that the charter of the company should not be violated; and upon this point, sir, I shall deliver my opinion without disguise. A charter is a trust to one or more persons for some given benefit. If this trust be abused, if the benefit be not obtained, and its failure arise from palpable guilt, or (what in this case is fully as bad) from palpable ignorance or mismanagement, will any man gravely say that that trust should not be resumed and delivered to other hands; more especially in the case of the East India Company, whose manner of executing this trust, whose laxity and languor have produced, and tend to produce consequences diametrically opposite to the ends of confiding that trust, and of the institution for which it was granted?


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